Cincinnati is strategically located within 300 miles of 55 major Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA), affording easy access to 38 million people. West Chester Township is centrally located in this region and has become the epicenter of business development and a destination location. West Chester has become the economic engine of the Cincinnati-Dayton Metroplex.
West Chester Township’s economic development staff works with clients to provide insight into the community’s business environment and offers prospects our intelligence and resources to help clients make informed real estate, location, and expansion decisions.
Regional developers and contractors know what works in an already successful region and are instrumental in bringing businesses to our community. The Economic Development staff of West Chester Township works closely with the development community to connect local property owners to tenants and investors. The following are some of the developers and contractors that have brought new investment to West Chester Township.
West Chester is a proven destination for corporate investment displayed by the expansive growth over the past two decades, yet development opportunities exist throughout the township with commercial sites of 1 to 60 acres still available. Office, manufacturing, research and development properties with accessible infrastructure, frontage on Interstate 75 or within two miles of an interstate interchange are available.
For more information on doing business in West Chester or to learn more about the zoning application process, click West Chester Zoning Information.

Schumacher Dugan Construction, Inc.
Schumacher Dugan Construction, Inc. is proud to be the primary developer responsible for bringing the Union Centre Boulevard/I-75 Interchange to West Chester Township. With over 600 acres of land adjacent to the Interchange, Schumacher Dugan will be developing this property into Union Centre Commerce Park, a mix of high-end corporate office, commercial, retail, distribution, and light industrial. We look forward to working with all interested parties in the successful development of Union Centre.
Larry Schumacher, President